The following is an example of how a recording session might go. This isn’t set in stone and sessions will adapt to the needs of the artists involved.
If you’re interested in booking time in the Guitar Lessons Victoria home-studio, book a session here.
Example Recording Session
In line with our full-band production offering, the goal is to produce a final mix of one original song by the end of 3 days. In any case, you will walk away with an original song that has been fully edited, mixed, and mastered.
N.B: Recording sessions assume you have a song in mind you want to record. If you don’t have a song, or have an unfinished song, considering polishing your song further or with the help of one of our songwriters class, before going to record.
Session Schedule
Here is a rough outline of how a recording session will be scheduled (times can fluctuate depending on your schedule):
Day 1 – Recording
- 10am – Discussion of any goals for the song
- 10:30 – 3:30pm – Recording time
- (break)
- 4pm – Create base mix and rough mixdown for review
Day 2 – Overdubs
- 10am – Discussion of rough mix and next steps
- 10:30 – 2pm – Record/Overdub
- (break)
- 2:30pm – Advance mix
Day 3 – Mixdown
- 10 – 1pm – Finalize mix and Master
- (break)
- 1:30 – 6pm – Mix testing, tweaks, Final listen